
Compare And Contrast In The Light And The Forest

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In the Light and the Forest, a story about a white boy, True Son, who lived with the Lenni Lenape tribe for 10 years is forced to go back to his white family due to a treaty. We start off the story with True Son going to meet the white soldiers and head to Pennsylvania while being escorted by Del, who is a soldier and could could speak Delaware. On their way to Pennsylvania, True Son’s Indian cousin Half Arrow walked with him until they got to a river and he had to stay back. When they got to Pennsylvania True Son does not like their ways. Eventually in the book after much of True Son he meets Half Arrow in the woods while he was on his way to go see True Son. True Son’s other cousin Little Crane was shot by Uncle Wilse and the two cousins …show more content…

After that they go back to their tribe where Little Crane’s family decides they want to go scalp people to avenge him. True Son is used as bait and tells the people it’s an ambush. All the Indians want to burn him but Cuyloga disagrees and takes him to a river to separate them. Cuyloga tells him that they are no longer family, but enemies and we end the book with True Son going across the river and looking back to see nobody, and having no one. I did find a few similarities but one in the book and the movie is the Indians give away their white captives, although in the movie True Son does not fight Cuyloga on the way to the soldiers. The reason they put this is the movie is like in the book, it paves the way for the story to further with him going home. Another similarity is after Half Arrow walks with True Son, he has to stay on one side of the river and not cross with True Son on their way to Pennsylvania. The reason this happens is so that later, we can get to the point where Half Arrow and Little Crane come to visit him and True Son goes back to the …show more content…

Disney did this so that they could have Shenandoah, the love interest in the movie. Although Gordie does not play a big role in the book, he was the reason that True Son doesn’t let the Lenni Lenape tribe ambush a boat. Additionally, the scene in the movie where they have a party for True Son to meet some young people. I believe they put this in there so that True Son and Shenandoah could get closer and he could go find the waterfall in the woods. In the book around this time, True Son would be trying to go to the mountain to find the old man who lived there so he could speak Delaware with him. It isn’t a big difference but I believe they did this since they switched Gordie for Shenandoah. Also, in the ending when True Son and Uncle Wilse have a fist fight in the movie, I think this was to show that True Son was overcoming his fear of his uncle and him accepting his white skin and for Disney to tie up the loose ends. In the book it ended when he was at a river, so there is nothing to

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