
Compare And Contrast Indiana Jones And The Raiders Of The Lost Ark

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Based on Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark it is obvious that he most resembles the epic hero, Beowulf. Although Indiana Jones posses the same hero-like characteristics as the other epic heroes; Odysseus, Aeneas, and King Arthur's Knights, he mirrors the motivation of Beowulf.

The Greek story Odysseus, is about the epic hero Odysseus and his 10 year journey back to his homeland after the Trojan War. Odysseus and Indiana Jones have some similarities but more differences. Throughout the entire story Odysseus only shows emotion when he hears stories of his own accomplishments or failures. This important observation proves to the audience that Odysseus truly only cares about himself and his biggest motivation is getting back to his property. In contrast Indiana Jones is attempting to gain possession of the Ark of the Covenant before the Nazi’s not for himself but to save the people of the world. Jones motivation is to find the Ark because it is a powerful thing that can hurt mankind. The power of the Ark is demonstrated in the scene when the group of Nazi’s open the Ark. While watching in awe the Ark displays bright lights and power which travels through the Nazi’s and then they turn to dust. Compared to Indiana Jones …show more content…

The monster is super natural which is different than Indiana Jones ‘monster’ the Nazi’s who were real people. Both Jones and Beowulf are super human to an extent. Beowulf kills a monster with his bare hands, no matter what the monster is that is very impressive and hard to do. While trying to steal the Ark back from the Nazi’s Jones ends up in on the grill on the truck. Here he wiggles his way under the trucks and finds a way to get to the back where the Ark is. In the processes of doing this Jones is being dragged along the gravel road under the moving truck. This alone would obviously hurt, and leave a mark but Jones remains unharmed when he finally gets in the back of the

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