Compare And Contrast Iroquois And Cherokee

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Of the many Native tribes, two of them were the Iroquois and the Cherokee. These two tribes had many interesting characteristics and ways of life. Some of which they share. In some ways, they differ. The Iroquois were located and lived in present-day New York, at the northeastern woodlands area. During their time there, they were always cold. They survived the seasons by eating and grew on crops such as corn, beans, and squash. They thought that the food they were eating was delicious and that they could not get anything better. Another way that they survived during the seasons was the clothing that they wore. They survived because they had clothing that kept them warm, cozy, and not frozen. They also had clothing that kept them cool during the hot times, but these …show more content…

In many places, especially areas with warm climates, this was all the men wore. In cooler climates, mostly in the winter, the men would wear compressed leggings to cover up and keep their legs warm. Many men went shirtless throughout most of the year, only wearing cloaks when it got frigid. This was a society where there was nothing against the woman. Iroquois women, like many Native Americans, were honored in their society. Inheritance fell matrilineal. Women were obeyed. During the day it was a woman's job to take care of the longhouse the men grew crops in. They were responsible for tending to the gardens, collecting food, and preparing meals. They also made many household objects for the longhouses, such as baskets, pottery, clothing, storage items, and cradleboards. It was the woman's job to take care of the children when they were young, and when young girls were old enough, they would work beside their mothers and learn from them how to take care of the longhouse. The Iroquois lived in a variety of homes. one home that was mostly lived in was the wattle and daub homes. This home was made out of wicker and clay. These two materials were often used to make houses in the native