
Compare And Contrast It Worked For Me In Life And Leadership By Colin Powell

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“..Strive for a good education make something out of your life..” this helped colin Powell to have a good mindset towards education and to work hard. The memoir “It worked for me: in life and leadership” by colin Powell is about his family life his time as a student and his work and his accomplishments. The biography “Colin Powell: Military leader” by warren brown is about how the author saw colin Powell as a person and his accomplishments and about background information. In both of the texts, it had colin Powell life influence him. But in the biography, it had a different perspective on colin Powell life.

First, the memoir and biography had colin Powell family influence his life. The memoir and the biography are similar because they both had Powell's family and how it taught him to be a hard worker. In the memoir, he said that he is a very hard worker and he learned from his Jamaican immigrant family (line 15). In the biography, it said that his parents taught him to have a healthy respect for formal education “..Strive for a good education make something out of your life..” He was …show more content…

In the memoir, powell listed many of his accomplishments and the jobs to give a message to the reader and he presented himself as a hard worker who didn't get good grades he only said he was a hard worker who didn't get good grades because he wanted to be a role model. In the biography, it said “Powell was a slacker in elementary school and didn't strive to make good grades or get a higher education” Pg 264. This proved that Powell played around in school and didn't work hard. The reason this was presented differently was because if Powell said he was a slacker in school he would not be a role model to the reader and not a good example and in the biography, it was a different point Powell was not a hard worker. The biography proved he was not a hard worker and Powell wanted to be a role

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