Compare And Contrast John Eliot And Roger Williams On The Indians

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John Eliot and Roger Williams were puritans who worked with the Indians in the mid-1600s in Massachusetts. They both started their work in Massachusetts, but Roger Williams ended up in Rhode Island. When they were working with the Indians, they performed civic duty. A civic duty is the duties or obligations a person has toward his or her society (or community) .While both men thought that the Indians were victims of the English and that it was their civic duty to help the Indians, Eliot thought forcing his religion on the Indians was helping them, while Williams fought for land and freedom of religion for the Indians. Although they were both christian puritans, John Eliots views were thatit was his civic duty to help the Indians by forcing his religion upon them, while Roger Williams though it was his civic duty to help the Indians get religious liberty. An example of Eliot forcing his religion on the Indians is seen when Governor John Endecott came away from the Natick settlement where John Eliot worked with the Indians amazed, he said “The Foundation is laid, and one that I verily beleeve the gates of Hell shall never prevaile against…. I could hardly refrain tears from very joy to see their diligent attention to the word first taught by one of the indians, who before his Exercise prayed…. With such reverence, zeale, good affection, and distinct utterance, that I could not but admire(Jarvis 57).” This shows Eliot forced his religion upon the Indians because they were