Compare And Contrast Mac Vs Mac

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Custom PC vs MAC Pc's and Mac's have a lot of differences, they have there advantages and weaknesses. I'm writing this to explain to you why I believe a custom pc is a better choice then buying a Imac. Alot of people have this ideology that Mac is better then Pc because of the earlier (worse) versions of windows. Windowsand Mac keep evolving to become better. Im going to share in detail about both of these computers. Durability/Upgrading Lets start off in the category durability. Is getting a custom pc or buying a Mac better for the future. The answer is getting a custom pc. The reason for this is because Pc’s are upgradable. For Pc’s all you need to do is upgrade the proccessor, ram or video card about every 5 years but, for mac you …show more content…

Apple only allows you to purchase intel chips when purchasing a Imac. Intel chips are not bad and are leading the market but, you won’t be able to get some amd cpu’s which can be very good and out perform some intel chips in multicore performance. Amd chips usually have more then 4 cores which allows you to mutitask better. There are intel proccessors which have more then 4 cores but, Apple only allows you to purchase the cpu’s that have 4 cores. My point is you can’t purchase a cpu for a specific purpose. Graphics Cards There are laptop graphics cards which are smaller and less powerfull then graphics cards in desktops. Since Imac’s don’t have much space the cheaper Imacs from 1400$-2000$ cad have intergrated graphics which mean the graphics are combined with the cpu. These graphics are the cheapest type. Since these graphics are not sold to consumers know one know the acutal price of the graphics but, according to the graphics 3d mark benchmark which puts the gpu’s graphics proccessing to the max, it’s permorfance was on par with gpu’s around 120$ which is pretty cheap considering the Imac are 1400$-2000$. Imac also doesn’t support overclocking so you cant get the most performance out of your …show more content…

I could get a similar build to the Imac with slightly better parts by only paying 950$. Custom- Mac- Even the 27inch 4k monitor Imac which is about 1900$ and with a i7 its 2150$ is still about 500$ cheaper custom build. The pc that I want to build will have way better performance then the 4300$ fully loaded Imac for only 2000$. If we exclude the monitor which is about 1000$ it is still about 3000$. Custom PC- Some benchmarks - I have done a lot of research about the parts and the proccessor I chose is great all around. It is a new proccessor which can be overclocked. It does extremely well with taks like editing/rendering and multitasking. Since it has 8 threads it can multitask very well. Also since the proccessor is a “k” series this means I can overclock it for an amazing performance boost. The gpu I chose is new the 8gb gtx 1070 which is a bit overkill but, it can support 5k easily and wont need to be upgraded for many years to come.This grpahics card comes with all the new Nvidia features. I also really like computers and would really like to build one. I’ve done lots of research how to build computers all the steps to prepare. Finally I would like to start a youtube channel and make different tech videos

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