
Compare And Contrast Medea And Women Of Corinth

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While both versions care for speech more than actions, the Norton version puts a bigger emphasis on it. When speaking, Medea is more deliberate in getting the response she craves. “Women of Corinth, I have stepped outside so you will not condemn me. Many people act superior- I’m well aware of this. Some keep it private; some are arrogant in public view” (Page 751 Lines: 212-215). The act of stepping out into the light is a form of acknowledging the women already view her in an ill manner. She clearly concocts a plan, so the women will not see her as the guilty one. The way she is viewed is not her fault, but the fault of the ones judging her. Medea makes it a point that she is aware how some may view her and that it is not fair to be thought

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