Compare And Contrast Mexico And The United States

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The United States and Mexico have many similar attributes when it comes to each country’s government. Both countries have a federal republic type of government, meaning that they are both a federal union of states or provinces with a republic form of government. In this paper, it will examine each country's strengths and weaknesses for addressing the four modern purposes of government. These modern purposes of governments are public services, national security, economic decisions, and social order.
Located in the North American continent is the United States of America, or also called the U.S.A for short. It lies north of Mexico and south of Canada. The country consists of 50 states and one capital city. The U.S.A has a population of about …show more content…

Both the U.S. and Mexico accept people to enlist in military service only once they turn eighteen. Both countries also have the similar branches of military (navy, air force, and army) Although Mexico and America may have many similarities they also have their differences. In the United States of America there are about 1.37 million armed forces personnel, while in Mexico there are only 193,000. Also, Mexico only has an obligation of twelve months for conscript military service and the United States has an eight year service obligation. America spends around $682 US BN for the military budget and Mexico only spends $10.07 US …show more content…

The average amount of children not in school in Mexico is 405,347 children. The air pollution is 66.02% in Mexico and In the United States of America the air pollution is 25.04%. The obesity rate in the United States of America is 30.7%, making America the #1 country with most obesity. In Mexico,the obesity rate is 24.2%, ranking it the 2nd country with most obesity. Overall the United States and Mexico seem to have their pros and cons. The third part of government is economic decisions. Economic decisions is the process of making business decisions involving money. Mexico and the U.S have a lot of differences when it comes to this. America has a GDP of $49,965.27 per capita, while Mexico only has a $12,447.27 GDP per capita. The public debt for Mexico is 35.8% of GDP and America’s public debt is 70% of GDP. The unemployment rate for the United States of America is 8.1% while Mexico’s unemployment rate is only 5%. Mexico is doing a better job with public debt and unemployment rate but America’s GDP is