
Compare And Contrast Milo And Clodius

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Milo and Clodius T.J. Broderick Publius Clodius Pulcher and Titus Annius Milo were political agitators infamous for disrupting and causing violence in Roman politics in 50’s BCE. Both of these men were known for their hooligan acts and worked on behalf of their respective factions using violence to get what they want in Roman government. Milo worked on behalf of the the Senatorial Faction and was to be a strong supporter of Pompey. Clodius was a political goon who did the dirty work for Julius Caesar. These two men by themselves stirred up a lot of turmoil in Roman Government which led to its instability and lack of power. The reason why Milo and Clodius didn’t get along is because Clodius accused had accused Cicero of sentencing five of Catiline’s supporters to death. So Cataline went on self exile to escape capital punishment and then Clodius rescued Cicero from exile. …show more content…

He married Fausta, the daughter of ex-Dictator Sulla. Milo was a hard-nosed gangster who used mercenaries and gladiators to create violence in the Roman Government and towards the People of Rome. Milo ran for Consulship of Rome in 53 BCE, but all elections were stopped due to political violence. Clodius was running for Praetor in the same year. Milo was so aggravated about the postponement of the election that he ordered his bodyguards to assassinate Clodius. On January 18th, 52 BCE, Clodius was murdered near Bovillae on the Appian Way. Milo was proven guilty of the act and was sent to exile in Massilia, which is present day Marseille, France. In 48 BCE, he was captured by Caelius Rufus and was executed in present day Calabria,

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