"Qualis artifex pereo!" ("What an artist is now about to perish!"), was Nero’s famous last words as died.
Nero, the roman emperor ruling for 13 years from 54 AD- 68 AD, is most known for burning Rome and blaming the Christians After his father’s death; his mom married his uncle, and he took throne at age 17 until the empire rebelled and he committed suicide at age 30.
Nero was very influential to Rome as an emperor in many ways such as his countless murders of innocent people, recklessness throughout the streets, and the burning of Rome
Nero did not come from the best background considering his father’s sister raised him from the time he was two, which led to him not having the best morals later in life.
Nero was born in the “ancient state”
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A. He is secondly most known for his countless murders even if there was no reason at all.
His mother went to the extent of “insulting her own son and attempting to seduce him” for four years until he devised a plan to murder her in 59 AD (“Nero” 2-3).
As Claudius’ natural son Britannicus should have been first up to become emperor, Nero saw him as a threat so he “was poisoned February 11, 55” as Nero claimed he was “having an epileptic seizure” (Scarre 51).
Nero’s first five years of ruling were led by his tutors, until he split the senatorial elite and it all went bad from there.
Until the death of his mother eliminated a giant restraint “Nero relied largely on Seneca and Burrus for guidance”; he also was good to his people and gave to the poor in his first five years of rule (“Nero” 3). “His growing insecurity” led him to eliminate “rivals and lavish expenditures of his later years led him to” steal property , in the crisis of 68 he failed to realize “he still had the support of his people” at which point in time he lost (Scarre