
Compare And Contrast The Achievements Of The Mongol Empire

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The Mongol Empire was one the largest empires by land area in history and this success encouraged the advancements in science, trade, and technology. Many see the Mongol period as a time conquest and slaughter, however this wasn’t the only thing that occurred. Looking past all the blood and bodies we can see that the Mongol period had a great impact in bringing ideals and people together to lead to many achievements.
Science was able to flourish during the Mongol period because the Mongols spared the lives of intellectuals from lands that they’ve conquered and added them to the empire to do work. An example of a scientific advancement after the Mongols adopted Islam was when the Great Khan Khubilai ordered a team of Iranians to build an observatory for him Beijing. In addition, Ulugh Beg built an observatory in Samarkand and gathered data that was later translated into Latin and shared with European astronomers. Al-Kashi a mathematician under Beg, created decimal notation in which when quantities less than one were able to be represented. Some more advancements in the field of …show more content…

This lead to the exponential growth of trade from Europe to Asia. The Mongols re-established the Silk Road as an important method of transportation of goods for trade. Since such a large part of the continent was under the rule of the Mongols this ensured secured trade routes and made merchants more likely to use them. Silk, pepper, ginger, and spices were a few of the physical goods traded, scientific and cultural ideas were also passed along. Trade routes by sea were also in effect with new technology in navigation and map making, routes were able to reach out more to the Arabian Sea, Red Sea, and Persian Gulf. Islamic ideals of mathematics, astronomy, and science was able to reach Africa, East Asia, and Europe along these trade

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