Compare And Contrast The Articles Of Confederation

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It was November 15th of 1777 that our Nation’s founding fathers created the Articles of Confederation, a now worn down sheet of paper made up of the first Government’s functions, priorities to put first to ensure complete independence in a haze of new found chaos. A group of men including Benjamin Franklin, Silas Deane, and John Dickinson, would help contribute to the writing process of this document, recreating multiple amounts of drafts before March 1st of 1781, where it was then declared official. Although important in the teachings of our history, the reign of the Articles lasted just 7 years when in September, 1788, due to an abundance of issues, the aforementioned was replaced by what we know as the U.S. Constitution. There were several problems that accommodated in making the Articles of Confederation a poor form of government, such as having an absence of a Court System, no Treaties, no Laws, and to sum it all, having just about nothing that would help a nation grow and move forward in the right direction. However, after listing more than two examples of a poor governments symptoms, only two seem more important to me…”No power to enforce laws”, and “No …show more content…

Federalists glorified power, specifically government-centered power, they seemed to obsess over the idea of control, because not only did they admire the Government’s authority, but they also supported the opposition of the Bill of Rights, which was meant to give people ineluctable liberties, like freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, and the right to a trial. Basic rights you would to give to anyone you respected, or simply acknowledged. Anti-Federalists, however, believed in less power from the Government, and more citizen based power, believing that giving people their own “individual liberties” would lead to said person making good decisions with the betterment of the nation in