Compare And Contrast The Bass And Sheila Mant

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I read “The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant” by W.D. Wetherell and I finished the book. This story is about a boy inviting Sheila Mant to a band but gets stuck deciding between the bass or Sheila Mant. In this journal, I will be predicting and characterizing. During the reading I got caught wondering if the boy will choose the bass or Sheila Mant. Throughout the text and the reasons he gave I am lead to believe that the boy will pick the bass. The boy automatically stuck his Mitchell reel on his Pflueger spinning rod when getting ready to set out to pick up Sheila in his canoe. He put his fishing rod in the boat out of habit because he doesn’t go anywhere without it. Next, the boy knew that it was the largest bass he has hooked onto and he wanted it …show more content…

After he was focused on the largest fish he ever hooked onto and how to lose it in the rivers geological forms, he realized he was paying no attention to what Sheila was saying. She was talking about UVM or Bennington, someplace that allowed her to ski, and he mumbled back to her because he wanted to lose the fish in the river. Now as much as he loves fishing, there are many reasons given for him to pick Sheila Mant. The boy knows her moods according to how she lays on the dock in the sun. Some may mean to not disturb her and others may mean she is observant of her surroundings. During the days Sheila was outside but not on the dock he would swim laps to impress her with his flutter kick and capability of his front crawl. Occasionally he would glimpse over his shoulder to see if she was observant of his actions. When he did notice her watching him out there he would continuously keep diving off the dock until she left and the sun was out of the sky. The boy would do his best tuck and a half off the board and couldn’t stop. Finally, the following day after asking Sheila out he spent all day polishing the canoe and making it look