Compare And Contrast The Constitution Requirements And Requirements

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The Constitution Requirements The Articles of Confederation is established a firm league of friendship among the states, is the first constitution of the 13 American states, adopted in 1781 and replaced in 1789 by the Constitution of the United States. Before 1781, the U.S was in a period was a loose confederation of states, each operating like independent countries.The national government was comprised of a single legislature, the Congress of the Confederation; there was no president or judicial branch. In reality, the power of act of war, of specification of monetary, …show more content…

That's why the constitution was needed. There were have six indispensable men are the leaders of the convention. George Washington, the first president of the America, the first citizen of Virginia and of the United States, he was unanimously elected to preside over the convention. Washington's influence was enormous, even he seldom speak, but his mere presence, his charisma is strong--dominated the scene. In 1787, he presided over the constitutional convention. The meeting set for now the constitution of the United States. In 1789, he through the support of all the electoral college no objection and become the first President of the United States. He set up in two successive term many continue to today's policy and tradition. At the end of the two terms, he volunteered to give up power not seek power. Because he played in the American war of independence and the founding of the most important role, Washington is often referred to as the founding father. As a slave, Washington is also a controversial figure storage 316 people. Is the evaluation of as - "imperfect god". The six indispensable men also have James Madison, Edmund Randolph, Benjamin Franklin, James Wilson, and Gouverneur Morris, they were