Compare And Contrast The Dictators Of Joseph Stalin

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Several dictators throughout history have controlled their nations with an iron hand and retained total power. Although dictators may not be as common in today’s society there are still places where these dictators exist. Within Russian history there have been many leaders, one of the most memorable ones being Joseph Stalin. Strong leadership, industrialization and development, as well as violent repression and violations of human rights, were characteristics of Stalin's rule. Since Stalin’s rule Russia has gone through many leaders until Vladimir Putin came into power in 1999. Putin’s tactics resemble Stalin’s very well as they have both used oppression of rights and censorship as ways to keep power and control over Russia. Although there have been many similarities between the two there are also differences as Putin has been more concerned with establishing his control through governmental and institutional methods than did Stalin, who was known for his harsh purges and persecution. Throughout its time Russia has adapted politically, …show more content…

Deportations were a harsh and cruel method adopted by Stalin to crush political opposition and keep control of the Soviet Union. Stalin ordered the forcible deportation of millions of individuals in the 1930s and 1940s, frequently on the basis of their race, religion, or political views ("Joseph Stalin Deports”). Stalin's deportation program was enacted to put down political uprising and rebellion. In 1936 Stalin introduced a new constitution. The 1936 Constitution strengthened the Communist Party's hold over the nation's government and people. Stalin used the Constitution to support his oppressive policies and use it as a tool to secure and legitimize his rule. Stalin’s political reforms were all targeted to strengthen the power of the communist party and to crush any

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