Compare And Contrast The Four Empires Of Mesopotamia

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The Four Empires of Mesopotamia Essay

Different Empires Ruled From 2500 B.C.E to 500 B.C.E. There names are the Akkadians, The Babylonians, The Assyrians, and The Neo-Babylonians, all fighting for ruler of Mesopotamia. All of the civilizations that lived in Mesopotamia rose and fell like the Sun. First I like to talk about the very first empire that took over the individual city-states. There name is The Akkadians under ruler Sargon. Sargon was both a strong king and a skilled general. He built his empire through strong and effective military strategies. One of his strategies was the testudo formation. The testudo formation was a line of shields in the front, with spearmen right behind them, then archers right behind the spearmen. With that formation the Akkadians were know as unkillable. But that was not all. Sargon also had effective political strategies. Another political strategy was that he demanded loyalty from the governors of the city-states. Last, to clarify that is empire would last he decreed after his death his sons would rule after him. …show more content…

This is because the time after the fall of the Akkadians and Mesopotamia went back to city-states the Babylonians and their ruler Hammurabi came by and controlled Mesopotamia. When they did Hammurabi did something sargon didn’t. They are called laws. These laws were created to preserve his empire and keep every little person in check. For example, if a poorly built house were to collapse and kill its owner, then the builder could be put to death. If the owner's son rather than the owner were killed in the collapse, the builder's son could be put to death. These laws were also so important they were placed on a sele and then in a temple. But these laws didn’t help much when the Babylonians faced their biggest