Compare And Contrast The Grange And The Populist

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The Grange & The Populists were a party that came into the spotlight around the late 19th century. The Grange was a farmer’s association set up in 1867 with its main purpose was to help stabilize the economic situation of farmers and also at the same time try and improve their current conditions. Similarly The Populist, or also known as the People’s Party, they have tried to alleviate the unfair conditions of the late 19th century so that it was beneficial for the lower class citizens. The Grange and the Populist were crucial towards understanding the social and economic aspect of farmers and workers in the late 19th century. The conditions for the lower class such as the farmers and other workers were not beneficial for them in the late 19th century. The Grange and the Populist movement started due people such as the lower classes that included farmers and workers despised their current economic situation so they had formed a group that could eventually such their issue …show more content…

The reason for why more farmers joined this movement was because the current economic conditions were unfavorable for them, for example, crops prices fell, railroads increased shipping fees, and Congress favoring paper money all devastated farmers through America in the late 19th century. The Grangers also tried to negotiate discounts and set up cash-only co-ops, which meant that they had to pay for the crops in cash. Also, the Grangers attacked railroads that were giving unfair rates for the farmer with their high rates, despite the fact that the railroads often give discounts to larger shippers. The movement was progressing at a steady rate due to a common goal of the Grangers, which was to help themselves in a time of desperation, but the movement ended as a failure due to the prices of crops being revived in 1878 it still laid a foundation for future agrarian