Compare And Contrast The Great Gatsby

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Many people argue about what the best version of The Great Gatsby is, but it is really the original, the 1974 Movie, and here's why. The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a tragedy fiction novel. The novel follows the main character and narrator, Nick who is trying to make his way around life in the 1920’s in New York City. He meets his mysterious neighbor, who goes by Gatsby, and follows the incredible journey that Gatsby takes Nick on throughout love and holding on to the past. The superior rendition of The Great Gatsby is the 1974 movie because It had the best emotional value to fully understand the story.
We, humans, are emotional, we need to be able to feel what characters are going through, and sometimes, words just aren't …show more content…

During the scene after Myrtle’s death, we see George talking to Michaelis about what he should do. In the 1974 version we see a conversation in emotion. We see George sweating, showing how he is scared, nervous, we can see, feel, and understand his emotion, unlike in the 2013 movie, where we see a quick little scene of Tom yelling at George that he did not do it and it was Gatsby who did it, and that George should go kill Gatsby. The 1974 movie gives the best insight to the feel that we get to the lead up to Gatsby’s death, we are able to see the emotion come off of George, and you start to feel more sympathy towards him, in how he feels, versus the guy who killed Gatsby in the 2013 movie after being yelled at, you can see where he is coming from, his thoughts, his worries, his troubles. You are able to see his struggle in the situation that he was given. In the 1974 movie version we are able to see emotion and feel emotion, while in the 2013 movie, it is quick and flashy, but there is no emotion to feel what the characters …show more content…

Because of it being the original version people argue that it is superior because it is how F. Scott Fitzgerald intended for it to go. It is the way that he thought of the work in his head and how it should be read and interpreted. Because it is the original version of The Great Gatsby it is better, there is some truth to that, it is how it was intended to be shown, the intended way to share the work.. It shows the best history of the 1920’s because it was written during the 1920’s, which gives the best historical accuracy to the novel, making it better in historical accuracy. Historical accuracy does not mean it is the best though. The emotional value to connect the consumer to the work is. We see that best shown in the 1974 movie version. The 1974 movie version best represents The Great Gatsby because not only does it stay true to the book in many circumstances, it shows emotional value, more over historical accuracy.The Emotional value to the 1974 movie version outweighs the historical accuracy in the novel because it is not a history book, it is a book about a timeless story, of love, past, and who people really are. The best way to get that point across is not in history, in fact from the time period, but in emotional connection, emotions last, while trends and clothing does not. Just because the novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald is the original, does not mean it is the