Compare And Contrast The Preamble Vs The Declaration Of Independence

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Teenagers don’t even focus on the preamble or the Declaration of Independence, let alone know which one is more compelling. This shows that teens would not know what choice they’re given if they do not know what either one is. The Preamble of the Constitution gives background information of the Constitution itself. The third paragraph of the Declaration of Independence shows humans natural rights. What seems more compelling to teenagers is the third paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, showing the natural rights, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, is the reason why it’s more compelling than the Preamble. In the Declaration of Independence, life is shown as the first natural right of the three. Teenagers may not understand …show more content…

Liberty gives teenagers opportunities that they might have not known about or they just have forgotten. Teenagers may have this liberty but the liberty has restrictions to it that they should follow as well. Teenagers usually don’t show enough responsibility, “many mere instances of violations of liberty,” meaning that they may not have understood what it means by liberty (Life). Even though teenagers don’t follow liberty the right way they seem more compelled to it than the Preamble. In the Preamble it says, “secure the blessings of liberty” (Preamble p 31). This shows that it’s not only the Declaration that contains the word liberty, in this sense that they both mean the same. However, these documents are different in explaining liberty. The Preamble says “blessings” while the Declaration means liberty in general. While the Declaration of Independence and the Preamble both contain liberty, the Declaration still shows liberty more in a sense. It’s understandable that blessings of liberty are still in the preamble, but its more specific and to the point that in the Declaration it shows liberty in a broader sense. Clemente from Freedom works says, “no individual has the authority to rule over or oppress another,” meaning that every person has their liberty to do what they want but under the laws that are given in the state. In the Declaration it seems that …show more content…

Teenagers know this one at least because they can find happiness on their own at this age. It gives them more of a reason to find happiness and the freedom, or liberty, to do so. “You care about limits of freedom to pursue and share happiness” means that they have the freedom to pursue what they are looking for and are able to share what they found to make everyone else happy as well (Life). In the Preamble it mentions tranquility. Tranquility and happiness are almost the same since they both could be used at the same time. Tranquility can mean calm, but you can be happy and not calm. Also, we can be calm but not happy. Teenagers usually mess up, “major improvements need to be made,” meaning that not only teenagers mess up but everyone makes mistakes even when something important happens (Life). It’s easy to see how tranquility and happiness could be the same but in certain circumstances they aren’t. Teenagers can show how they are both different even though its better if both tranquility and happiness are together. Teenagers would find this compelling because they are able to go pursue what they believe is their happiness instead of just sitting down and doing nothing. They have that ability to do what they want for happiness but preferably still along the laws that are provided for us. Teenagers find their happiness along with the ability to know their natural