Compare And Contrast The Progressive Era And The New Deal

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During the years of the Progressive era and the New Deal period, the United States saw a lot of intervention by the government, specifically focused on the working and living conditions of those in poverty. Both periods were focused in helping the everyday man get what he needs and had primarily no focus on the social, economic, and political rights for African-Americans. Differences include the fact that Progressive focus concerning the work field was more about fixing the conditions for everyone; men, women, and children alike, but the New Deal’s focus was more on getting men back in work. The success of the programs and policies seemed to coincide with the feeling of the period. The Progressive era had successful outcomes with ideas and reforms, matching the upbeat, fast-moving feeling of the time. The time of the New Deal, though, tended to have a much slower reaction, comparable to the downbeat, slow-moving time of the Great Depression. …show more content…

The United States saw government’s help in solving the problems of society and positive change in the views of women rights. Muckrakers exposed the ills of the booming industry and it was fixed in favour of the poverty-ridden workers. Women had a main role in helping to pass many forward-working policies, such as the prohibition of alcohol. In the view of those in poverty, the government looked for ways to help their living conditions on top of working conditions, providing settlement housing which got people off the streets and provided education opportunities for men and women of all ages. The setting of maximum work hours and minimum wage for women and children helped by making it possible for more members of a family in poverty to work in safer