Compare And Contrast The Second Great Awakening And The Temperance Movement

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The Second Great Awakening was like the first, a religious renewal for protestant churches in the United States. The Second Great Awakening opened open doors for many reform movements. Two movements influenced by the Second Great Awakening the temperance and abolitionist movement. The temperance movement was a social movement that capitalized the personal moderation drinking of alcohol. The abolitionist was the abolishment of slaver. The temperance movement became powerful during the Second Great Awakening due to the religious aspects and concerns for death during the time period. The temperance movement goal was to ban the producing, transportation and selling of alcohol. Alcohol was seen as something that caused people to commit crimes, …show more content…

Even though many people didn’t support the abolitionist movement, it was important for the abolitionist to continue to endorse the movement since it promoted the freedom of slaves, the end of discrimination and segregation. Abolitionist wanted to end slavery because they saw it as cruel and unjust, they also wanted to reunite the slaves with their families. Abolitionist wanted equality for African-Americans in order to give them their rightful place in society, abolitionist even sought after legislative changes like amending the constitution since they believed it was proslavery. William Lloyd Garrison’s newspaper, The Liberator, helped persuade and recruit many followers for the movement. David Walker’s booklet, Appeal: To The Coloured People of the World also helped many slaves to revolt against their masters. The speeches of Frederick Douglass were also encouraging and motivating. Harriet Beecher Stowe book Uncle Tom’s Cabin was an anti-slavery book and has been a great part of American literature. They encouraged people to fight for the equality and freedom of African