
Compare And Contrast The Strategies Used By The Aztecs

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The strategies that were used by the Spanish to convert the Aztec populace are varied. Yet the two most commonly agreed on strategies by historians include adaption, where the Aztecs peacefully converted and blended their old customs with Christianity. Secondly, is that of forceful conversion which lead to Aztec slavery. These two strategies were unsuccessful simply because of a lack of willingness to convert peacefully or forcibly by the Aztecs. In fact Queen Isabella I of Castile gave the edict to Governor Ovando (Governor of the Indies) to place the conquered Aztec populace into neighboring dwellings with the Spanish. Isabella demanded that Ovando, “bring the natives out of their mountain and forest retreats, where they lived isolated …show more content…

As a result of the brutality, harsh conditions, and the illnesses brought by the Spaniards the Aztec population quickly diminished. The mistreatment of Aztec slaves got to the point where Spanish troops in their vessels would capture the Natives and transport them without them even resisting to being converted. As a way for the Spanish to justify Native slavery with Christian principles, the doctrine of the encomienda (a legal system employed by the Spanish Crown in an attempt to define the status of the Native American population ) emerged. The encomienda land grant ultimately gave a grant issued by the Spanish Crown to a conquistador, as this grant would indicate a precise number of Native Americans living in a certain area. The receiver of the encomienda grant could gain tribute from the Natives which resulted in gold or in labor. The receiver of the grant was also required to protect its Natives and most importantly instruct them in the Christian faith. The encomienda system essentially declared that it was suitable for the Spanish Crown to capture and enslave natives who forcefully …show more content…

This strategy allowed for the Native to create a middle ground. They would feign to Catholicism only to return home to worship their own idols. This was the best means for the Aztecs to not become slaves brutally mistreated by the Spanish. Aztecs during this time were still forced to convert but those who chose to conform ultimately did so under the notion that they could ensure the survival of their old customs. In doing so the Aztec converts were able to take their beliefs and customs and blend them into Catholicism. In fact many Aztec converts would hide their idols inside statues of Catholic saints. The similarities between the two religions helped with the blending process as well as the Aztecs ability to comprehend Catholicism. Without the Aztecs conforming to Catholicism their ancient beliefs and customs would have been demolished by the Spanish. The Aztec people would have perhaps been turned into slave laborers at which point many would have lost their lives including the loss of their culture and

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