Compare And Contrast The Three Sociological Perspectives

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The three main Sociological Perspectives are Structural Functionalist, Social Conflict Theory, and Symbolic Interactionist, all of which are quite different but also similar in many ways. The study of sociology began when humans began to wonder about human social relationships and institutions during the nineteenth-century revolutions. As sociology has grown in popularity, many different sociologists have developed diverse perspectives on human social relationships and institutions.

Structural functionalists study the existence of humans in society as part of sociology and many other social sciences such as relationships, institutions, and roles that make up a society. The main point of structural functionalists is that society works together to build structures and institutions such as education, family, economy, religion, and health care for them to evolve towards increased differentiation, where institutions become increasingly specialized in the functions they perform. All in short words is that the theory looks at how all structures and institutions …show more content…

Many sociologists value the Social Conflict theory because it demonstrates the importance and respect people have for one another, such as motivating crowds to define the importance of core values, identifying different points of view, and setting group boundaries. It tends to be aggressive on the social conflict theory because it initiates competition or even a revolution against inequality. It is a theory that states that social conflict begins when crimes occur and that it is caused by the unequal distribution of wealth and power in