Compare And Contrast The Wizard Of Oz

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The classic Wizard of Oz movie was based on the novel "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" written by Lyman Frank Baum, and published in the year 1900. Children loved the book so much the wrote letters to Baum asking for sequels. He released 13 novel sequels, none of which I have read. The oldest surviving film version is a 1910 silent. Another silent version was made in 1925 with Larry Semon and Oliver Hardy. I watched the 1925 version but it left no lasting memory that I can recall. I own the 1985 "Return to Oz" which critics have said is more faithful to the novel series than the 1939 movie version. All of that aside, I love the 1939 movie no matter anything in any way, shape or form LOL. You have fond memories of VHS tapes, and I have fond memories