Compare And Contrast Two Methods Of Birthing

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Main methods?
Childbirth is probably on the of the most beautiful moments in someone’s life. Mothers-to-be have a few options to choose from to make their experience as memorable as they desire. Two main methods of birthing are natural childbirth and cesarean known as c-section.
What are methods of birthing? Methods of birthing are ways to allow a mother give birth the way she desires. Since everyone has their own preference, there is everything from Medications to Natural birth. A woman may choose any method she wishes in order to help her along the process of birth. If the mother wishes to do a natural birth through the birth canal, no medications are used through this process, if the mother does wish to use a method with ‘medications’ …show more content…

This is most common and the safest birthing method that exists. Women who give birth naturally can breastfeed easier and do not need to stay in the hospital long if there is nothing wrong with mother or baby. Most women choose to give birth using no medication at all and relying on relaxation and controlled breathing for help. By choosing a natural birth, the mother has chosen to rely on her contractions to help with the birth, all the pain in the labor process and birth also even the risk of any rips or tears of the skin on the vagina. With natural childbirth, the mother is in control of her body and usually has her assistant (doctor or husband) supporting her through the stages of labor and telling her when she needs to push her baby …show more content…

A baby is delivered by the doctor cutting through the abdomen and into the uterus, the doctor pulls out mother's intestines and anything else in the way in order to take out the baby. Once the baby is pulled out, the doctors place everything back inside, stitch mother up and keep the mother in the hospital to check if everything is working properly. In most cases, a c-section is scheduled in advance, if the mother has already had a c-section beforehand, the mother will most likely have another one. If the mother does not choose a c-section and it appears that the baby or mother are having complications, the mother will be moved into a surgery room and a c-section will occur. Complications to the mother or baby can be; Baby is not in head down position, Baby is too large, Mother can not give birth through birth canal, Multiple pregnancies, Mother or baby is in stress, Baby is sideways, Baby needs to be born earlier, Placenta is blocked the birth canal or detached from the wall before baby is born, Umbilical cord comes out first or is wrapped around baby’s head, neck or body. A c-section can take up to 1-2 hours for the surgery to happen and 2-4 hours to recover

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