The True Monster In Mary Shelly's Frankenstein

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Mary Shelly 's classic novel, Frankenstein, is a dark tale that follows the life of a monster and its creator. As the story progresses, the reader notices that Victor and his creation have numerous similarities embedded into their characters. Both the monster and Victor are outcasts of society, their emotions are both affected by nature, and they are equally driven by a desire for revenge and a passion for knowledge. Toward the conclusion of the book, the 'monster ' and the 'victim ' are almost indistinguishable as Victor and his creation have become so similar. However, through comparing the characters ' traits, actions, and habits, the reader will discover the true monster in Frankenstein. Both Victor and the Monster are described to be outcasts in the story. Whether it be by choice or forced, they have found a way to isolate themselves. In Victor 's case, his isolation is self-induced. Growing up an introvert, he never found much comfort in others. This was further developed as his pursuit of science became his only focus. This newfound …show more content…

Similarities in the characters ' solitude, affinities toward nature, and pursuits of both knowledge and revenge are found throughout the course of the story. After analyzing of each of these factors, one discovers that the true monster in Frankenstein is Victor. The events that transpired were entirely Victor 's fault. If Victor did not violate nature by reanimating that which is already dead, none the terrible events would have happened. The main evidence toward Victor being the monster is in the fact that he completely abandons the creature. The creature is new to existence and needs to be nurtured, in order to understand the customs of human life. Instead, the monster was left to fend for itself in an unforgiving world. If only it was shown compassion by Victor, his best friend and wife could have been spared. Victor is to blame and as such he is