Compare and Contrast There has been a lot of controversy in Washington D.C. the past couple of years. The Washington Redskins have had a tough decision whether or not they were going to start Robert Griffin III or Kirk Cousins. The two quarterbacks were drafted in the same year, 2012, but different rounds, and the only team they have both played on is the redskins, and they also were both named offensive captains. Both of them have also led the Redskins to the playoffs. However, despite all of the similarities they are quite different. The First Quarterback, Robert Griffin III won the Heisman at Baylor, and was picked second in the 2012 NFL draft. His playing style is completely different. He is considered a dual threat quarterback, not only can he pass the ball well but he can also run the ball when it’s needed. However, the biggest issue is him being highly injury prone. Since his rookie season, which was phenomenal. He then led the team to the playoffs and got rookie of the year. But he has always had a drawback and that was injury problems. The first season sprained and tor his ACL, The second season he was at full health, but didn’t perform at the …show more content…
Dan Snyder the Redskins owner, decided to franchise tag Kirk Cousins because he showed the most improvement and felt like he could be the future franchise quarterback in the nation’s capital. As for Robert Griffin III, he was released because he could not stay healthy and could not preform when the team needed him. If Robert didn’t get injured and had solid years he would have been the franchise quarterback the Redskins were hoping to get out of the 2012 draft. For Kirk Cousins the Redskins did franchise tag him, however; it was only one year, so if he does terrible they don’t have to extend his contract. If he exceeds Washington’s expectations they will extend his