
Compare And Contrast What The Author Identify As 21st Century Skills

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Compare and contrast what the authors identify as twenty-first century skills with what you would identify as twenty-first century skills.

The world is rapidly changing each day. The student needs to be equipped with the knowledge to apply themselves to problem solving, critical thinking skills, being creative, digitally literate and know how to collaborate with others. The question that arise with the Department of education today will be are they prepared and ready to accept the changes? The 21st century provides students with the ability to be creative, evaluate and analyze ideas. Students need to know how to communicate with others. Teachers should be trained with all the necessary requirements to always be ready for new information and technologies to be effective. Student need to know how to respond to all situations by acquiring information that make sense when approached with complex questions. The lack of the information leads to failing. The 21st century focus on what the student can do with their knowledge and not focus on …show more content…

The education system is ready for new growth. Old things have passed away and there is a new era in education. Teachers require degrees for teaching the new standards in education. Play is incorporated with School Readiness Gold and Teaching Strategy Gold to prepare children with the skill they require for development. The theories are incorporated into the daily routine in the classroom. The state of Louisiana adopted a law in 2012 that mandates all Early Childhood programs to improve the readiness in all federally funded programs. All facilities must overhaul their system and implement programs to assure the success of each student including all cultures. An assessment is given to each student to help identify their strengths and weaknesses.

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