Art has played a big role in our society for over a million years. Art is known as a way of communication. Artists all over the world have expressed their ideas and emotions through paintings, installations, sculptures, and performances. Francesco Zugno, Alfred Jensen, and Xu Bing are artists from different centuries with different themes, styles, and techniques. Francesco Zugno was a painter during the Late Baroque period. His style was elegant and soft. During the early 18th century, Zugno painted an art piece called Young Noble Couple Playing Cards on a Terrance with Attendants which is a naturalistic and representational painting. On the other hand, Alfred Jensen’s Mayan Temple, Per II: Palenque, 1962 is an abstract/non-representational painting. Alfred …show more content…
Zugno and Jensen used the same medium: oil on canvas; however, their compositions are completely different. On one hand, Zugno’s Young Noble Couple Playing Cards on a Terrance with Attendants is an 18th century painting that portrays exact imitation of the visual world. On the other hand, Jensen’s Mayan Temple, Per II: Palenque, 1962 is an abstract painting full of bright hues and geometric shapes. Furthermore, Bing’s work of art is completely different than Zugno’s and Jensen’s oil paintings. Book from the Sky is an installation made up of printed books and ink on paper scrolls. As a final point, all three artists have communicated their thoughts and feelings through art. This assignment has made me feel more comfortable in approaching challenging works of art. My visit to the museum was fascinating. I enjoyed looking at different sculptures, paintings, installations, photos, drawings, and videos. All of the pieces are made with different purposes and symbolize different human