Compare The Contributions Of African American Women To The Revolutionary War

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The American Revolutionary which followed the seven years war. The war was fought between England and her American Colonies. While the war did not spread throughout most of Europe and the the rest of the entire globe many contributed to it including women, African Americans and Europeans, but it was still rooted in the colonies desire to win independence from England. Each group had a particular contribution to the American Revolutionary War. American women’s significance began to really showcase increasingly as the colony struggled for independence. When their husbands went away for war women had to take over businesses and farms, defend their homes, serve meals and cook for the continental army even some of them were on the battlefields as nurses and soldiers. The war showcased the social significance of women and it showed how some tasks that were considered feminine like spinning became highly appreciated. It also gave them an opportunity to show what they can really do. Women wanted to do things like own businesses but socially that was unacceptable so they fought for their civil rights which allowed gender classification to no more be a thing. …show more content…

During the Centennial Celebration of the Revolution in Philadelphia, 1876 not a single speaker acknowledged the contributions of african americans in the establishment of America in which thousands of black americans were involved in.Over half a million african americans lived in the 13 colonies at around 1775, in the early 18th century George Keith, John Woolman and some english ministers and quakers had questioned slavery, including Abigail Adams in 1774 who wrote about how morally wrong and unfair it was to fight ourselves and to steal people of color’s rights to