Comparing Bleachers By Neely Crenshaw And Coach Rake

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In Bleachers Neely Crenshaw and Coach Eddie Rake learn the hard way that time is something one cannot get back no matter what one does. Coach Rake learns with his two failures in life that he will never get that time back. Neely learns that with prior choices in life there is no way to go back and change that decision. Both of them wish they could change a past decision; this is when they learn the valuable lesson that time is something one can never get back.
One of the most important decisions Neely Crenshaw made was to be a football player for Coach Rake. For four years Neely was the Spartans Quarterback, winning the 1987 championship game against all odds. In high school Neely had it all, he was “the all-American Quarterback” (Grisham 97). No matter what he did he could never be hated, he was the towns “all-American” (Grisham 99). With this Neely leaves his girlfriend for a girl with the nickname of Screamer. She was at the time the best looking girl in the school and would do anything to be recognized. In doing this Neely truly hurt the one girl that he had cared about at the time. Later in life he realizes that this was …show more content…

During the 1987 championship game “in a fit of rage, [he] physically assaulted a player, the quarterback” he had no way of knowing how to apologize to Neely (Grisham 204). When Neely was in collage he had broken his knee playing football. Coach Rake came to visit him in the hospital after visiting hours, to see Neely. Until his funeral in a speech he had not apologized nor did Coach Rake know how to. Because Neely was one of his favorite players and he could not show his favorites is why he was especially tough on Neely. During his funeral service he had three of his former players speak, one of them was Neely. This was to have one final apology and for Neely to truly recognize that Coach Rake did not hate him and that he had high expectations for Neely in