Compare And Contrast Webster And Croesus

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Mike Webster, Pittsburgh Steelers key player did not have a glorious life after his NFL brilliant career. "He was hit in the head thousands of times and suffered many concussions at a time when the dangers weren't widely recognized” (Garber, A Tormented Soul). For Webster, his wellbeing was not as important as his material rewarding young life. Moreover, Croesus’s choices, influenced by vanity and immature power, caused him to family loses and a tragic ending. Therefore, the pursuit of this essay is to demonstrate that Mike Webster and Croesus are mirrors of hardship. Their early life choices were the contributing factors of their own unfortunate life endings. Additionally, their lives consequences served to the improvement of others’ good …show more content…

The decisions taken based on those four elements can originate suffering and unpleasant consequences. Croesus decisions, in his time of glory and power, were the most decisive for his later life. He was one of the wealthiest kings, the King of Lydia. He believed that to be the happiest man, wealth and power were the strongest requirements. However, according to Solon, Croesus was not. “The rich and unblessed man is better able to accomplish his very desire and to support such great visitation of evil as shall befall him” (Herodotus). Croesus vanity made him reject Solon’s advice and the Delphic oracle answer. The consequences of his naive rejections were very serious. According to Herodotus, “Croesus was in agony for his son’s death…” (Herodotus). Additionally “Cyrus heaped a huge pyre and set Croesus on the top of it...” (Herodotus). It costed him the death of his preferred son, the destruction of Lydia and his tragic ending. Croesus actions reflected what he believed to be a good life model. However, his results support the idea that obtaining success in a young life does not guarantee a later good life, especially if vanity and power influence the …show more content…

Croesus and Webster affected their family lives, were rich and did not have a glorious death. Therefore, Based on Solon's belief, it can be assumed that neither Croesus nor Webster’s life are blessed. Even during their lives, they were partially lucky to obtain some comfort, but not entirely. However, even if their lives decisions made their death not glorious, they left a positive legacy. Their lives were affected by a series of tragedies initially caused by their own choices. Even so, their actions served as indirect sacrifices to demonstrate, to future generations, some unsuggested ways of living

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