Comparing Charlotte And John In The Yellow Wallpaper

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In “The Yellow Wallpaper”, the readers meet Charlotte and John, a brilliant husband and wife duo. Both characters are bright, but in different ways, Charlotte is an avid reader and writer with an excellent imagination while John is a very intelligent doctor “John is practical in the extreme. He has no patience with faith, an intense horror of superstition, and he scoffs openly at any talk of things not to be felt and seen and put down in figures.” Two characters John and Charlotte, try to solve Charlottes sickness in two different ways. What might have been different if they had used correct information? Both John and Charlotte knew something was wrong with Charlotte. Though John did not take Charlotte’s sickness seriously telling both family and friends that there is nothing really wrong except temporary nervous depression—a slight …show more content…

John moved his family to a new house so that Charlotte can be around fresh air and all the rest she could get. Giving her a daily schedule and giving all her wifely duties to his sister. That is exactly why they are in the nursery with the yellow wallpaper because it is big, airy and a comfortable room. Charlotte believes she needs help but does not believe John is handling her sickness correctly, but she follows his lead trying to please him through obedience because she cannot work, though she does write even though John has told her not to. Although John and Charlotte knew something was wrong, they both dealt with it in different ways. John gives her phosphates, tonics, air, exercise and does not allow her to “work” until she is well again. While Charlotte thinks that work, excitement, and change would do her good. But she feels unable to do that because of her husband’s demands. John does not even like it when Charlotte talks about her condition so she avoids it. She does do one thing John doesn’t approve of, she writes and I believe this is what kept her