Comparing Communism, Marxism, And Socialism

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Assignment 1 History proves to us that no society and no area are completely the same. Each individual has their own ideologies on how a country should be run and what form of government best suits their needs. It can range from enormous amounts to government control to absolutely no form of law enforcement at all. There is no way of really telling what is best, for not one is completely perfect. They all have their positive sides accompanied with their share of issues. My knowledge on different types of government before this assignment was extremely limited. I had a moderate understanding of our democracy, and maybe a little information on other countries’ policies, but like I stated earlier, it was little to none. I was honestly surprised by how similar most of the governments were. When I compared communism, Marxism, totalitarianism, and socialism, they all shared similar qualities, such as classless …show more content…

Even though they have many differences, I put these three in the same category because they all have things in common. These traits include the idea of one absolute ruler and anything concerning the people was based solely on the decision of that one ruler. Before doing some research I wasn’t able to tell any distinct differences between the three. I found that one important distinction to make is that a dictator is usually put into power by force, through military force for example, and a monarch is a crown or reign that has been passed down from generation to generation. Tyranny on the other hand is cruel government. Leaders would often use oppression in order to keep their role. Monarchy can be split into different sections such as constitutional, absolute, and limited monarchy where as a dictatorship is just absolute power in one individual. Although few and far between, these forms of government still exist and probably will for many