
Comparing Deserted Girls Lament, Moonstruck, And The Tribal Ghost

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In the poems that I have studied over the course of the term, The Deserted Girls Lament, Moonstruck and The Tribal Ghost, themes are explored revolving around loss of love, beauty of nature and justice towards ones culture. In the Deserted Girls Lament the poet ,(assumingly the girl) expresses the lonely despair that she is feeling towards her lost love that abandoned her, “But the Heart-stains of love/for ever remain”, causing the audience to feel sorrow and sympathy towards the girl. In the poem Moonstruck by Kev Carmody, Carmody evokes a serene peaceful feeling as you picture the image he has created in your mind through his use of emotive words “When the full moon begins to rise/Satin moon beams on my face/Beauty of the night goes far beyond/Far
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