Comparing Erudite And Dauntless In Plato's The Republic

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On the other hand, Erudite and Dauntless seem to take over the “government” as a whole. As Plato says in his writing The Republic “an ideal state is when each class may have to make sacrifices to achieve the greater good of society.” Plato stating this fits perfectly within the societal classes that the factions live in as well as the government that is created because of the actions taken by both factions together. Society in the movie as a whole embody the characteristics that are need to create an ideal state. There are three tiers in which create a well-balanced society, the Philosopher kings, soldiers and production/artisan class. The philosopher kings as Plato wrote is that “Philosophy and politics need to merge as one and philosopher are lovers of wisdom in which they should be philosopher kings” Erudite can fall under this category because as …show more content…

They're our protectors, our soldiers, our police. I always thought they were amazing. Brave, fearless and free. Some people think Dauntless are crazy, when they kind of are.” Dauntless is as she said the soldier class, Plato states in The Republic that they “must be brave and spirited, function as military and police, focus entirely on their craft, share everything, and live in modest communes.” Dauntless did act as the police and soldiers, they also lived in modest communes however they did not solely focus on their craft or share anything and this created a chaos in the society that they live in. They, Dauntless and Erudite are disrupting the balance that they have. Plato’s ideal state can’t be achieved if they continue throwing off the balance of the system by not having justice in society. If a society is unjust and doesn’t have a balance between the philosopher kings, soldiers and the production/artisan class, who are Condor, Amity, and Abnegation. then one can say they are