Comparing Frankenstein And Frankenstein In John Milton's Paradise Lost

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Throughout Frankenstein, Shelley uses Victor to warn the reader of the dangers of aspiring to godliness, and the consequences one faces in the aftermath doing so, even going as far as to compare Victor to Satan, tempting the crew of Walton’s ship, in the book’s final pages. The Victor Shelley creates is very similar to the Satan created by Milton in his book, Paradise Lost, which explores the biblical tale of Adam and Eve. In Frankenstein, Victor speaks of his desire to create the Creature, saying, “I deemed it criminal to throw away in useless grief those talents that might be useful to my fellow-creatures.” (152). Shelley’s diction choices, such as the word “useless” exemplify Victor’s excessive hubris, portraying him as a man who creates his Creature for, in his mind, the good of society. Additionally, Shelley repeats the word “use” …show more content…

In Frankenstein, Victor asks Walton for a favor as he lies on his deathbed saying, “I asked you to undertake my unfinished work; and I renew this request now, when I am only induced by reason and virtue” (157). Shelley repeatedly uses the root word “un” in the words “undertake” and “unfinished”, as the root of both words means not, directly contradicting Victor’s claim that he is “only induced by reason and virtue”. Just as Satan is notorious for being deceptive, Victor also uses deception to his advantage in an attempt to convince Walton to carry out his revenge against the Creature after he dies. Victor’s trickery is very similar to Satan’s plan to tempt Adam and Eve into pursuing knowledge. He sneaks into the Garden of Eden disguised as a snake, a creature with a reputation for being notorious trickster who uses deceptive language to play tricks on humans. Just as Satan is the snake in the Garden of Eden, Victor is the snake on Walton’s ship, both tempting humans in the pursuit of power and