Who Is The Monster In Chapter 15 Of Frankenstein

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In Chapter 15 of Frankenstein, the author compares the monster to Adam (the first man) as well as comparing Victor to God. I believe that Frankenstein is not as much a commentary on the bible, but rather on the nature of man. In Frankenstein, Mary Shelley compares the monster and Victor to biblical figures in order to relate that everyone is capable of moral good and evil. As we see in the novel, the monster is much like Adam in that he desires companionship, he is made in the likeness of his creator (a man), and he eventually turns to evil. Victor also compares the monster to Satan. Logically, if the creation of Frankenstein/ the mortal enemy of Frankenstein is the equivalent to the creation of God/ Satan, then Frankenstein is considered to be “playing god.” Victor is also referred to many times in the text as the “creator”. What is contrasting about their biblical counterparts is that the monster (the equivalent to Satan) is capable of good and Victor (the equivalent to God) is capable of sin. This meaning behind the allusion is most clearly seen in chapter 15 when the …show more content…

monster says, “‘Hateful day when I received life!’… ‘Accursed creator!’… ‘God, in pity, made man beautiful and alluring, after his own image; but my form is a filthy type of yours, more horrid even from the very