
Comparing Hamlet And Teen Suicide

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Teen suicide highly relates to Hamlet as both examples give reason to believe whether it is easier to live with misery or die with uncertainty. Hamlet sets the tone that life is nothing but suffering and overcoming harsh realities, which shares common reasons in today’s modern society of suicide. Although Hamlet is set in the Middle Ages, Shakespeare managed to relate his topics to today’s culture. He uses the same troubled situations that we see today such as divorce, temptation, and depression.

Early in the story, Hamlet is seen self-pitying in his hopeless misery. “O, that this too solid flesh would melt, thaw and resolve itself into a dew,” (Shakespeare 1.2). He sees life as dull and tiring while drama passes through his life. This vision gives him the idea that there is no way he can help himself in this difficult time and the only way to solve this situation is by suicide. Many think this is the main reason teens have suicidal thoughts. They are so caught up in senseless drama, making good grades, the urge to be popular, and …show more content…

“How strange or odd soe’er I bear myself, as I perchance hereafter shall think meet to put an antic disposition on,” (Shakespeare 1.5). He curses his luck and while he once wished for death, he now wishes he had never seen life. Hamlet’s self-hatred grows and he no longer feels the need to be around his loved ones. Hamlet’s good friends – Rosencrantz and Guildenstern – are sent to cheer the prince up and give him some hope in his depressed life. Nowadays, this is still a big part of relieving teenage stress and depression. If someone is going through a rough patch in their day or they are just seeming unusually down, friends are always there to help each other out. Having a friend around to talk about your problems with can definitely stop the thoughts of cutting life short on harsh terms. However, this solution does not help Hamlet’s condition very

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