Comparing Hester And Dimmesdale In The Scarlett Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne

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In the book The Scarlet Letter, Hester and Dimmesdale both have sinned and they both were about of it. There are two people to make a child so it's not just Hester's fault at all. She saves Dimmesdale by not telling anyone who the father of Pearl is, and for that Dimmesdale he has to leave with knowing the father of Pearl is himself, and having no one knowing that it is him. Hester is dealing with the sin, she made with Dimmesdale, well because she knows the truth about everything and everyone knows what she has done. She wants the towns people to know what she has been. The towns people gave her an A to wear on her chest to show everyone what she has been. The A stands for adultery, and by the middle of the book she's proud of the letter. When she was given the letter to wear she designed it to be classy so she could be proud and wear it everyday like she was suppose to. Everyone thought so was just mocking the letter. When Pearl grow up Hester started to dress her like that Letter A just like the one on Hester's chest. …show more content…

Everyday, he has to deal what he has been because he sees Pearl and Hester a lot because they live in the same town and after the governors house have to watch over then making sure Pearl goes to school and is being good. Dimmesdale has suffer more then Hester also because Hester is openly shunned by everyone in the town while Dimmesdale is ashamed with himself on the inside and that is where the guilt comes from. The guild has started to controlled him, and Dimmesdale starts to get really sick and that's because Chillingworth has found out that he is the father and that he has not told anyone and Chillingworth wants