Comparing Jehovah's Witness And Latter-Day Saints

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Two religious traditions are Jehovah's Witness and Latter-Day Saints. Jehovah’s witnesses are part of the Christian denomination who have notable differences in their beliefs compared to typical and modern day Christianity. They do not consider themselves Protestants and are condemned towards most Protestants groups and even Catholics. They do, however, share common elements with many Protestant groups. For one, they accept and follow the Bible strictly. Their official Bible is The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures which offers unique variations compared to Protestant Bibles. They don’t plan on going to heaven but believe in the Earth being regenerated. They don’t partake in religious ceremonies/holidays, don’t salute the flag and don’t take or give blood. These …show more content…

They are very family based and believe marriage is define strictly as a monogamous relationship between heterosexual couples. They have traditional gender roles although it is economically necessary for wives and mothers to work outside of the home. Latter-Day Saints are also likely to use birth control and are more likely to marry within their religion. They follow the book of Mormon that follows the story of ancient Christian Americans. It is the second testament after the Christian Bible and it known as the Biblical or American story. In their book, they have stories that solve the much debated mystery of Native Americans’ origins and includes stories of people immigrating to America, the land of opportunities. Latter-Day Saints understand themselves as a part of America because of the many similarities and differences between American culture and Latter-Day Saint subculture. As mentioned above, they are just like ordinary Americans. They became involved in American society in the second half of the twentieth