Comparing Judaism, Buddhism, And Hinduism

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The focus of this report is to inform students on religions, which are widely practiced throughout the world. The report gives basic definition, vocabulary and talks about some of the questions that come to mind when people are exploring various religions or trying to find answers. The paper defines religion as worshiping a divine power that no one can see and who controls and is the creator of everything and everyone. This power is known as God to most people. Although there are many religions that came to this world and are yet to come and all religions have their own ideas about who or what god and what he is capable of. However, this papers focus is on the religious of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism.
When studying a …show more content…

Theism is a belief that there are one or more spirits or divine being exist and that humans can have a relationship with them in some manner. There are several types of theisms. Atheism is either there are no divine beings but there are spiritual deities that someone can have relationship with and the other type of atheism is that there is no such thing as a God or a higher power. Pantheism is a term often used to describe the religion of Shinto and native American spirits. Pantheism holds that there spirts are made from emotion, they can take shape through nature, and can have positive relationships with humans. Deism states that there is only own divine power that created the world to obey the natural laws. Polytheism is a belief in which many personal spirits or gods an example can be the twelve Olympian Greek. Polytheism beliefs stats that the gods live together somewhere. Monotheism is the idea that there is only one God, who created the world and continues to interact with the natural world. humans are expected to worship and obey one God only. Monotheism is a belief held by Jews, Christians and Muslims. Religious agnosticism is argued as lack of knowledge, or personal information, about spiritual realities and deities. Monism is the belief of Hinduism and Buddhist, and it’s the idea that there is only one principle, …show more content…

Hinduism and Buddhism are eastern religions with their origination in India. These religions are also known as the mystical religions because of there are a certain group of people who may understand its teachings. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are called the prophetic religions because of their outward nature. These religions are understood by most of the public. Hinduism are Judaism focus on certain ethnic and racial groups, while Buddhism, Islam and Christianity are more involved in missionary work and are open to