Comparing Kine Collins 'Over-Anayzing In Introduction To Poetry'

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In "Introduction To Poetry", the author explains to the reader to be patient and open-minded when reading poems and analyzing them without over-thinking and over-anayzing. The dramatic situation portrayed is Collins speaking to all readers about the way one should read poetry. This dramatic situation is clearly significant to that of an English student so they can furthermore better themselves in poetry. The poem teaches the reader how to read and dive into a poem. The theme portrayed is evidentally seen through lines 9-11, "I want them to waterski across the surface of a poem waving at the author’s name on the shore."; to think outside of the box, read carefully, and to not be scared to pick it apart in order to comprehend it just a little …show more content…

He asks them to "hold it up to the light" the way one might inspect a newly discovered object. This visual exploration the speaker speaks of is significant due to the mere understanding of his students. What ever might help his students understand is what the speaker is willing to do or explain. In lines 5-8, "I say drop a mouse into a poem and watch him probe his way out, or walk inside the poem’s room and feel the walls for a light switch," the author uses the image of a mouse searching through a maze in relation to a student depicting and anazlyzing a poem; furthermore with its significance, the student is searching for the information that will further expand their knowledge about the poem. The image of a person searching the walls of a dark room for a light switch also captures that sense of adventure, it's scary and exciting at the same time. In lines 13-14, " tie the poem to a chair with rope and torture a confession out of it," the author uses word choice such as "torture" and "tie the poem to a chair" to portray the student's frustration in responding to the poetry given to them; furthermore; they are expressing emotion in their experience with poetry.

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