
Comparing Leadership In Animal Farm And I, Robot

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Leadership is shown in the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell and the film, I, Robot, directed by Alex Proyas. the two texts both explore the use of leadership by Spooner and Napoleon as the two main characters portraying leadership in many ways, for example the abuse of power, what motivates leaders and leaders and their influences. I, Robot was written during more modern time to warn people of the technology in the future Animal Farm was written During the Russian Revolution where things were tough and Starlin was trying to convince the people of Britain. The public were trying to figure out what was going on, the two text were written during this time and are linked to the things that were happening in the community. In both texts the leaders …show more content…

Napoleon from Animal Farm had a big impact too the society he lived in because he had all the control he wanted, he was killing a lot of animals because he felt he could do what he wanted. Throughout the novel Napoleon changed a lot of animal’s lives in a bad way because everyone felt that they couldn’t even talk to the leader because of the way he was treating everyone; they were scared of him. Napoleon also lead Snowball out of the farm and also framed him for destroying the windmill when Snowball was the one who designed it. ‘comrades, ‘he said quietly, do you know who is responsible for this? Do you know the enemy who has come in the night and overthrown our windmill? SNOWBALL!’ (pg52). In contrast, Spooner as a leader almost lost his badge at the beginning because he was trying to fix everything, but nobody was believing him. By the end of the film Spooner retained his badge by proving everyone wrong and fixing society. Spooner was trying to express the way the world had turned into by trying to get rid of the robots but nobody would believe him so he took the matter a bit further by taking on the case of dr. Lanning’s murder/ suicide, detective del Sponner wanted to find out if it was the robots so he would have a point to

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