
Comparing Orpheus And Eurydice By Ovid

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Love makes you do unimaginable things that ultimately cause you to do anything to please your partner. The myth “Orpheus and Eurydice”, written by Ovid, tells the tale of two lovers who had a sudden change in their lives after they got married. Shortly after their wedding Eurydice was taking a stroll when a snake bit her, causing instant death. Orpheus felt distressed after losing his wife, so he went to the underworld to try to get them to bring Eurydice back to life. However, the myth “Pyramus and Thisbe”, follows forbidden lovers who talk through a crack in the wall that separates them. One night they decided that they have to run away into the forest to be able to be together. Determination causes individuals to push as far as they can to fulfill what they need to accomplish. Love causes individuals to have greater need to accomplish the task at hand. In “Orpheus and Eurydice” the plot twist takes …show more content…

Orpheus did not let his wife's death stop him from doing everything in his power to bring his wife back to life. Orpheus went to the underworld to see if they would be able to help him, “Orpheus was told he could lead her way, on one/ condition: / to walk in front and never look back until he had left / the Vale of Avernus, or else the concession would count / for nothing” (4.49-52). After Orpheus was given another chance to be with his wife they started walking up the hill, but Orpheus could not look behind himself according to the deal. As they were walking up the hill he started to get worried that Eurydice wasn’t following him, so he turned around and Eurydice instantly fell into a black hole not able to say a last word. Orpheus and Eurydice’s forbidden love caused them to have a craving for love. In “Pyramus and Thisbe” Thisbe arrived at the forest

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