Comparing Orpheus And Rilke's Metamorphoses

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Unlike Cobb, Orpheus cannot overcome the guilt and the loss associated with Eurydice’s second death and therefore cannot escape the return. Both Rilke’s poem and Metamorphoses also do not provide further discussion on what happens to Orpheus when Eurydice returns to the Underworld. We do see that Eurydice will continue on in spirit form in the Underworld, yet the last image the poem gives the reader of Orpheus illustrates: But far off, darkly before the bright exit, stood someone or other, whose features were unrecognizable. Who stood and saw how on the strip of path between meadows, with mournful look, the god of messages turned, silently, to follow the figure already walking back by that same path (Rilke 87-93)
Rilke describes Orpheus