The story of Oedipus Rex by Sophocles is centered around Oedipus, as he tries to defy his cursed fate only to unknowingly fail. He is met with many challenges by both god and man. During the story we see the main character meeting at the crossroad several times, even once physically meeting at a crossroad. “The Bloody Chamber”by Angela Carter follows a young woman preparing to unwittingly marry to a serial killer. This story, however, differs from Oedipus Rex in the fact that there is no physical crossroad but a figurative one . Both of these characters are presented at a crossroad and although warned against, decides to trek along a life threatening path. The authors use a crossroad in both the stories to communicate the importance of the character decision and how big of an implication their decisions can be The play of Oedipus Rex starts in the middle of the original myth. Oedipus has already discovered his foredoomed predetermined fate of killing his father sleeping with the one who has given birth to him. Living under the house of what he thought was his parents, he runs away to a neighboring town. While traveling, he clashes with a stranger, in a fit of rage, he kills the stranger and all but one who accompanied him. After this, Oedipus realizes he has come to a three-way crossroad. Sophocles tries to make it clear to the reader …show more content…
After the ceremony, the newly wedded husband departs for a business trip leaving the main character with a set of key and explicitly saying never to use a certain key. She is now brought to a mental crossroad, even after the admonishing of her husband, her obsession to what the key could lead to consuming her. “ Keys keys keys...what is that key?” She can no longer resist the temptation and ventures down into the chamber. Her life's jeopardize after her husband finds out. Fortunately she is spared by her decision and is saved by