Comparing Picasso's Les Demoiselles D Avignon And Matisse

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While the art was developing, new artistic styles were invented. So, the artists were inspired by artists came before them, and used those inspirations to develop their own unique styles. For instance, the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso was inspired by the artist Paul Cézanne. The same was done with the artist Matisse. In this essay, I will discuss how Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon and Matisse’s Bonheur de Vivre were inspired by Cézanne’s the Large Bathers. At the same time, I will discuss how they differ from it. The Bonheur de Vivre had been painted before Picasso’s one. So, I decided to start with it. The painting was done by the artist Matisse in 1906, and it represented the wild sensuality of the most daring painter. Matisse was inspired by the Large Bathers painting in the form and the date. That is clear in many aspects. For instance, both …show more content…

The figures are nude like the Matisse’s and Cezanne’s ones. Also, those figures seem to be so flat. (Harris & Zucker, n.d.). For the differences, they made Picasso’s painting to be breaking free of Cezanne’s one although the latter was the one, upon which the Cubist style was created. The bodies of the figures seem to be made of smashed glass due to the sharp and straight lines used. Also, the painting depicts violent pornography as the figures are prostitutes, and the poses of the women prove it, especially, the squatting one. (Harris & Zucker, n.d.). Furthermore, Picasso’s made the figures more fractured, and nothing unified them but the topic. Unlike Cezanne, who increased the relation between the figure and ground, Picasso dissolved it through the different situations of the women, as some were standing while another was laying on her back, and another was squatting in the same line of sight. Also, the painting is so crowded, and space is compressed when comparing it to Cezanne’s painting. (Harris & Zucker,