Comparing Plato's Allegory Of The Cave And The Truman Show

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Plato’s Allegory of the Cave and The Truman Show Midterm Movie Paper The “Allegory of the Cave” and “The Truman Show” is a representation of humans believing what they see in front of them is the only truth that they know. The Allegory of the Cave is an ancient knowledgeable philosophical work made by the Greek philosopher, Plato. He emphasizes the significance of humans achieving wisdom, intellectual insight, knowledge and education as a metaphor in his story (Plato, 246-249). For Plato, education is a “turning around” of the soul (Plato, 248). The Truman Show is a modern movie with a similar plot directed and written by Peter Weir. In these stories, humans are visible in an alternate reality that is displayed to them unwillingly. There are countless philosophical concepts and arguments that take place in The Truman Show and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. The Truman Show and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave differs with visual images, plot elements, storyline, and dialogue and …show more content…

Plato’s and Peter Weir’s main concept is that people see reality as the visible world when reality is more than just the visible world. In both stories, they only knew what they were being tricked into believing. They would throw hardships at them whenever they were about to find out the truth. For Plato, education is a turning around of the soul (Plato, 248). As the master creator Chrystoff says, "We accept the reality of world with which we are presented" (Niccol 1998). In both stories, there are more than one realities, there can even be infinite realities. Both relate to the divided line theory and the theory of forms. The Truman Show and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave both raise many questions relating to the basis of human existence. Reality is much more than just the visible world in both stories. They are both symbols for contrasts between ideas and what humans see as