Comparing Poetry In Those Winter Sundays, My Papa's Waltz, And Daddy

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Poetry Paper Poetry is a unique form of writing that can express feelings and emotion through various topics and word choices that create a form of art. Art and poetry both originate on paper and poetry connects and attracts readers through diction, as opposed to colors and shades. Through the use of diction, poetry can in fact create beautiful scenery of what an author is conveying. Writers can often times be found expressing their feelings and thoughts in similar topics. This is true with authors Robert Hayden, Theodore Roethke, and Sylvia Plath. Together, these authors each have unique poems written about their fathers. The father figure can be seen in “Those Winter Sundays”, “My Papa’s Waltz”, and “Daddy”, respectively. Although each has their own experiences and stories to share, there are some similarities between them through their word usage and presentation of how a reader experiences what they went through themselves. Additionally, common similarities seen throughout the poems include …show more content…

The main idea of the poem is the speaker is portraying what a typical Sunday would look like in their house, specifically in the winter. Their father would spend his Sundays waking up early to the cold air to work very hard to supply for the family and make sure everyone was okay. The work ethic is unrivaled, yet not always recognized as a selfish act with the experience of a giving father. Hayden’s purpose for this poem was to express his regret in a way for not recognizing in the moments just what his father was doing for his family. The father was expressing his love for his son and rest of the family in the only way he knew how to, through hard work every single day. The details used create an environment for readers to get a sense of what the speaker was going through, in efforts to hopefully enforce a sense of pride and thankfulness for those close to appreciate everything done for